Monday, January 2, 2012

Ground Rules

This is the first post. But it's so important I am copying it to a separate page and putting a special tab at the top of the page, so that I can easily find my ground rules, and re-read them every day.

So this is how I am working this challenge.

As per the instructions from the coaches, on Jan. 1 I weighed myself, took some measurements, and set some goals for the next ninety days. I won't share my weights and measurements with anybody but the coaches, but I will share my goals (see below). 

This first week of the challenge, all of us challengers will be doing some benchmark workouts and then we'll do them again at the end, to see how much we've improved. I'll be posting updates to this website most every day. I will include my workouts and everything I eat, mostly to keep track and for accountability purposes. (I'm less likely to eat that cookie if I know I'll have to tell the world--and specifically, my crossfit coaches!)

Here are my personal ground rules for this challenge:

  • whole foods are best
  • vegan is best (though I will continue eating some free-range eggs, greek yogurt, and small amounts of fancy cheese)
  • raw is best (I will be using some recipes and advice from Brendan Brazier's book on the Thrive Diet)
  • eat a big salad every day
  • sleep 8 hours (or more) each night
  • crossfit at least 3, better 4 or 5 times per week
  • when in doubt, cook something
  • write down: what I eat, what I exercise, and how I feel
  • always bring food and water with me when I leave the house

Here are my crossfit goals. By the end of 90 days I will:

  • be consistently using the 20 inch box and 14 lb wall ball
  • have 5 unbroken pullups on the blue band
  • run a 5k without walking
I also have a personal goal: to arrive 15 minutes early, everywhere I go. This will be a huge challenge for me that will require some fundamental changes in how I think about time management. I am pretty scared of failure with this goal but I keep telling myself I just need to plan each day, and take it one day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea to document your progress! Your goals sound wonderful - you have some impressive enthusiasm. I'm also enjoying your tutorials on sprouting and making homemade almond milk! Looking forward to following. :)

    Check out my blog, Vegan Noms, if you'd like. I've been meaning to do a post about CrossFit.

    Keep it up!
