Saturday, January 7, 2012

Days 6 and 7: Camp Fowler

I'll try to keep this boring post short, since I need to get to bed! Gotta get some sleep before I'm up early to go to church! (Yes, for those of you who don't know me, I am the pastor of a church just outside of Albany, NY, so I never get the opportunity to hit a WOD on Sundays.)

First off, Day 6:

What I ate:

  • 9 AM: 1/2 c yogurt and 1/4 cup "granola" (see yesterday's post) and 1 banana
  • 11 AM: Cashew Cookie (larabar brand)
  • 12 PM: 2 eggs fried in olive oil and 1 apple
  • 2 PM: pre-WOD 1 date (not enough--I was pretty hungry by 3)
  • 4 PM: post-WOD protein shake. (2 dates, 1/4 c protein powder, 1/2 avocado, 1 tbsp flax oil, 6 oz almond milk. forgot the berries, and it didn't taste right without them.)
  • 6 PM. starving. Ate a couple handfuls of trailmix
  • 7 PM. still hungry. Ate 2 oz cheddar, 4 crackers, a little hummus, and an apple.
  • 8 PM. still starving! Ate 1/2 c stir fry veggies, 1/4 c rice, 2 oz tempeh and 3 tbsp "no peanut" sauce
Not a good food day. I just didn't feel satisfied all day. On the upside, I felt great hitting the WOD at Albany Crossfit, though I was hungry. I had a lot of energy and stamina.

What I exercised:

  • 2:30 PM came in early to work on some sucks. Practiced 20 inch box jumps. By the end of practice was able to string 5 or 6 together without losing my balance. Also did volume training on pullups with the blue band. This did not go well. I was able to hit 6 singles on the minute, and then I couldn't do any more. They felt so hard. I wonder if next week I should try the blue band + the purple or red? There is a big gap between the green band and the blue one...
  • Warmup with pushups and squats
  • WOD:
    30 wall balls (scaled to 10# WB)
    21 pullups (scaled to ring rows)
    30 WB
    15 ring rows
    30 WB
    9 ring rows
    30 WB
  • Then worked on medicine ball cleans
Ran home after the WOD and my husband and I packed the car and ran off for a 24 hour campout with the boy scouts. This made Day 7 a bit more challenging. Even though we were in a lovely cabin, I didn't have a kitchen to cook in. I tried to be prepared...but didn't succeed all that well with the eating plan.

Day 7, What I ate:

  • 9 AM coffee. Actually, I have coffee every day, I just don't bother to note it here :)
  • 10 AM: 2 handfuls of trail mix. (that included some chocolate)
  • 11 AM: 1/4 c rice, 1/2 c veg, 1/2 c fresh lentil sprouts and 2 tbsp almond sauce
  • 1 PM: more trail mix, and a small cashew cookie bar
  • 3 PM: 2 oz cheese
  • 6 PM: dinner out at the Raindancer Restaurant in Amsterdam. I got a huge salad from the salad bar. Mostly vegetables with cottage cheese and a few cheddar shreds. That's the good side. Ranch dressing and two slices of bread (one of them pumpkin bread)--that's the bad side. Oh well, could have been worse.
  • 9 PM:  1/2 c granola and almond milk.
What I exercised: Absolutely NOTHING. Rest day. Sat around the cabin at Camp Fowler and loved it.

This is a pretty boring post...sorry about that. I am posting all these persnickety details not to entertain anybody, simply to be accountable to the ether. So far it seems to be working. I am definitely eating more cleanly than I was, and sticking to my guidelines, for the most part.

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