Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 47, February 15: Pitying my friends with kids

I'm technically on vacation this week because I've got some family stuff going on, and I need to be available to look after my four-year-old nephew, Jack. He's staying with me for the week. I love the little guy, and he's a lot of fun, but he is tiring. And it's tougher to eat healthy when he's around. Already my husband is pretty particular about what he likes to eat, and when you factor in Jack's particularities with my sort of extreme pickiness, it gets difficult.

Two days to report on, here. First, today: Wed. Feb. 15.

What I exercised:

  • 12 PM WOD.
  • Warmed up with some rowing, jumping pull-ups and squats
  • I. snatch balance. Went light (35#) and worked on technique. Kevin told me something I'd never thought about before: keeping my elbows forward when I am holding the bar will help me to push the bar straight up. And it made keeping my balance so much easier! WOW!
  • II. WOW 4
    60 bar-facing burpees
    30 OHS (65#--scaled to 35#)
    10 MU (would have scaled to ringrows, but I didn't get this far)
    10 minute amrap: got 60 + 25 OHS
  • III 50 push-ups--every time you rest, do 15 airsquats
    I did 3 sets of airsquats. push-ups on the rings.
What I ate:
  • 8 AM: breakfast quinoa (with raisins, almond milk, flaxseeds and flax oil)
  • 10:30: paleo "granola" bar and a half a cup of my freshly made cashew milk
  • 1 PM: post-WOD shake (lots of spinach, 1/2 banana, 1/2 c frozen cherries, 1/3 c protein powder, 1/2 c coconut milk and water)
  • 4 PM: pretzels, carrot sticks and celery sticks with 1/3 c homemade hummus
  • 7 PM: 2 c steamed broccoli, 1/2 c cooked rice and barley, 1/2 lb baked tofu (made my own marinade of sesame oil, soy sauce, lemon juice, garlic and ginger)
Yeah, I somehow skipped a meal in there somehow.

How am I feeling today? this morning I was feeling pretty tired and foggy, and I attribute it to last night's meal (more on that later) and the cashew milk I made this morning. The cashew milk tasted SO GOOD and yet afterwards I had a sore throat...I am wondering if it was an allergic reaction. I so don't want to be allergic to cashews, but if I'm honest with myself I admit that this same reaction has happened before. It only seems to happen with raw cashews, not the roasted ones.

Post-WOD, though, I felt great, better than when I went in. Had a great time playing in Schenectady's central park with my nephew.

Now for yesterday's info: Tuesday, Feb. 14. 

I managed to completely avoid the valentine's day chocolates, though it was tough reading on Facebook and people's blogs about their dark chocolate indulgences. Nevertheless I stayed strong.

What I exercised: 
  • 12 PM WOD
  • "Barbara"
    5 Rounds
    20 pullups (scaled to 10 ringrows)
    30 pushups (scaled to 20 ring pushups)
    40 abmat situps (scaled to 30)
    50 airsquats (scaled to 30-25-20-20-20) these felt the toughest on my sore back.
    3 minute rest at the end of each round
What I ate:
  • 9:30 AM: breakfast quinoa (identical to every other day's)
  • 1 PM: post-WOD shake
  • 2:30 PM: egg salad (about 3 eggs worth) and a piece of multi-grain toast
  • 4 PM: paleo "granola" bar
  • 7 PM: 3 pieces of homemade cheese pizza Made it with my nephew, and it tasted pretty darn great. And then once we had made it, I just couldn't stop eating it...So all this is to say, I have sympathy for my friends with kids, who are managing to serve healthy meals even some of the time. It's tough to stay focused and strict when there are picky children to worry about. 

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